Spinning Babies Birth Prep Workshop
Do you want a more comfortable pregnancy? Perhaps an easier birth?
Are you healing from a previous difficult birth and now you're pregnant again?
Are you in your third trimester and your baby is breech?
Going for a vaginal birth after caesarean this time?
If you answered yes to any of these, the Spinning Babies Approach is for you!

This 3 hour workshop is held at the Albany Family Life Center in downtown Albany. The workshop is held for 1-3 couples with lots of time for one on one instruction with me. This is a movement based workshop, in which participants will learn how to ease discomforts of pregnancy and prepare the body to birth. You will learn about the three levels of the pelvis, and how you can move our bodies in labor to aid in baby's passage for a smoother, perhaps shorter, birth experience.

Cost and how to sign up
$100 per couple
Includes all the materials and props you will need to continue the preparation at home
Please reach out below to find out the next dates for the workshop
Private Workshop available scheduled for you: $250
Email liz.leue@gmail.com to get the schedule and to sign up

Preparing to VBAC virtual class
This virtual class is perfect for people who are preparing to have a vaginal birth after c section. This is deal for people in their first and second trimesters who can use help determining if VBAC is right for them. We go over birth information, provider matching, resources, and physical preparation. It is a private two hour session over zoom and can be scheduled at your convenience.
Cost: $100
Email liz.leue@gmail.com to book this class
Virtual doula package
This option is perfect for parents who want to learn about Spinning Babies techniques, and in addition, would like virtual doula support to help with suggestions, advice, and advocacy during labor and birth. This package includes a private Spinning Babies workshop at your home, and On-call virtual (texts, calls, and video calls) doula support during your labor and birth. I will also provide a one hour postpartum visit.
Cost: $500